13th to 15th March 1996 Silver Jubilee Celebration
The Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists celebrated the auspicious occasion of the twenty fifth birthday of PSA on 13th to 15th March 1996 at Hotel Marriot Karachi.

The Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists celebrated the auspicious occasion of the twenty fifth birthday of PSA on 13th to 15th March 1996 at Hotel Marriot Karachi.
The Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists celebrated the auspicious occasion of the twenty fifth birthday of PSA on 13th to 15th March 1996 at Hotel Marriot Karachi.
The Souvenir Committee worked very hard to compile an innovative booklet presented with comprehensive articles on Anaesthesiology.
Scientific Programme comprised of preconference update lectures, guest lectures, symposia and free paper sessions.
Social prorammes inclusive of an evening with our founder members, cake cutting, a play of thirty minutes told us about ourselves were among other interesting events of that occasion.
Hundreds of delegates around the country participated in it and Dr. Saywan Lim, President WFSA and Prof. Aitkenhead specially joined us at the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations.
The specialty of Anaesthesia has grown and Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists has now become a “ROLE MODEL SOCIETY”.